Can Hypnotherapy help me?

Clinical hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful therapeutic tool and can help with a staggering array of issues. The fact that you are here means you are intrigued and curious, although maybe a little wary. Read on to understand why hypnotherapy may be one of the most important skills you can learn in your life time.

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Stage Hypnosis Vs Clinical Hypnotherapy

There is often a lot of scepticism, intrigue and sometimes even fear surrounding hypnotherapy. Hypnosis stage shows have played a huge role in fuelling an already wary public into believing hypnosis is a form of mind control. With the mighty hypnotist at the helm, brandishing their pendulum and forcing their unwitting subject to cluck like chickens.

In reality, hypnotherapy enables the subject to harness the incredible power of their imagination to make changes to the way they think, feel and behave.

Going into battle with an imagined threat

Have you ever thought about a task you had to complete or an event you had to attend in the future that scared you? Then the more you thought about it, the more the event played out in your mind, the more life you gave to it, the worse the dread became? Perhaps you began acting out potential conversations with others that were due to attend in your mind, or running through worse case scenarios and soon your body started to react, your tummy began to flip, maybe your hands became sweaty, and your heart began racing?

Your brain cannot distinguish the difference between something you have vividly imagined and reality, so the scenario you created in your mind propelled your sympathetic nervous system into action and triggered the physiological flight and fight response. In summery your body was ready to go into battle with an imagined threat, a threat you created in your mind.

Use your imagination to dramatically improve your life

Graffiti picture of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein famously said:

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Imagine a future where you had the ability to use your imagination positively, to feel more confident, calm, assertive and ready for a future event or situation that might once have completely left you feeling paralysed with fear or dread? Or even more content and positive about where you are now and the world around you?

Maybe future sub clinical, low level mental health issues could potentially be eradicated by teaching children how to harness the power of their imagination alongside Maths and English.

It is never too late to learn. Clinical Hypnotherapy will help you to identify negative thoughts and imaginings and replace them with more useful and empowering ones.

So, if our brain cannot distinguish the difference between vivid imagination and reality, and we can provoke a physiological response to an imagined threat, in contrast a positive imagining will also encourage your body to follow suit, making you physiologically more calm, relaxed, confident or content, or all four should you wish.

Hypnotherapy Misconceptions

Clinical hypnosis is not only an effective and rapid form of psychotherapy, but also an incredibly safe process. No one has ever been ‘stuck’ hypnosis and you are fully in control at all times.

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not something that is done to you and it certainly is not a magic wand. It is a skill that is taught to you during your hypnotherapy sessions. The more you practice, the better you will get, much like any new skill you have acquired. By the end of treatment you become your own therapist and you will be able to apply all of the new skills you have learnt confidently and independently. It will give you the ability to focus your attention on a positive future for yourself.

The Evidence

There have been thousands of favourable experimental and clinical research studies on hypnosis published.  It is recognised as an effective treatment by the British Medical Association, American Medical Association and the British Psychological Association.

In conclusion, the question really should be, is hypnotherapy a skill you can live without?


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