The Happy Mum Programme

Transform your motherhood journey.

Helping new Mums to find balance and adjust to their new life so that they can be the confident and calm parent they want to be. 

Motherhood brings with it a myriad of changes and challenges – physical, emotional, and psychological. It can be challenging to balance the demands of a baby with your own well being. My Happy Mum Programme is designed to help you adapt to these changes, manage stress, and build a strong foundation for your family.

Why choose me? 

Hi, I’m Corrina, a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and a proud mum of two. My journey into CBH began with a deep passion for mental well-being and a desire to support others through life's challenges. As a mum myself, I understand the unique joys and anxieties that come with motherhood, especially for first time mums.

I specialise in helping first time mums navigate the emotional and psychological transitions of becoming a parent. Through a blend of cognitive behavioural techniques and hypnotherapy, My tailored programme will support you to manage stress, build confidence, and embrace the beautiful journey of motherhood.

Whether you're dealing with anxiety, adjusting to new routines, or simply looking for a safe space to explore your thoughts, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we can work towards creating a balanced, fulfilling life for you and your family.

You’re in the right place if any of these resonate with you…

How I will help.

The Happy Mum Programme

Corrina the founder of The Happy Mum Programme

Don’t just take my word for it…

“Corrina has a lovely manner that allowed me to feel safe and trust her instantly. Our sessions were really in depth & I came away with really helpful exercises to take into day-to-day life.
I have seen various therapists over the years however Corrina's personable approach and undeniable support has really helped me achieve my goals. I'm so grateful to Corrina for helping me to live a happier life.”

  • Be a confident, empowered mother. Knowing that you are making the best decisions for yourself and your baby. Hearing your own voice clearly in the sea of noise.

  • Have a schedule in place and the tools you need to recharge your motherhood battery

  • Find peace within yourself and embrace the power of forgiveness. You know that the decisions you've made have stemmed from love for both yourself and your baby. You've always done your best with the knowledge you had at the time. This is an entirely new chapter, and you're learning as you go. It's okay to make mistakes.

  • Enable you to embrace the beauty of now. Your hankering for the past is replaced with a new understanding and faith in the woman you are becoming.

The possibilities

Getting started is easy

  • number 1 the first step to the happy mum programme

    Sign Up

    Hit the Sign Up button enter your details and receive your very first piece of the program directly into your email box absolutely FREE. This incredible first time Mum confidence building hypnotherapy audio is so incredibly powerful and will create the best foundations for your continued transformation. The email will include the link to an application to join the waiting list.

  • number 2 the second step to the happy mum programme


    I will contact you as soon as a space becomes available. My client numbers are limited to allow me to give dedicated and focused support to each and every client.

    The five week programme dates will be scheduled in advance around your busy Mum schedule.

    The best part? They all happen online, so you can join from the comfort of your own home.

  • number three, the third step to the happy mum programme


    Using the 4 E’s framework, I will devise a program that is completely tailored to your needs, priorities and lifestyle.

    As well as our weekly sessions you will have simple tasks to complete in between and unlimited email support from me for 10 weeks.

The Happy Mum Programme founder Corrina B

Still sitting on the fence?

“Corrina's Sessions have made a huge difference to my life... She's a beautiful ray of sunshine and I would absolutely recommend her, it is worth every penny."

The Happy Mum Programme founder Corrina in session

The Package

  • 5.5 Hours of dedicated one on one therapy over 5 weeks.

  • A uniquely tailored Happy Mum Programme designed specifically for you.

  • Lifetime usage of hypnosis audios.

  • A comprehensive toolkit of exercises tailored to enhance your mental well-being, designed for you to use during our time together and beyond.

  • 10 weeks unlimited email support from me.

The Investment

Only £600

This can be paid in full or over two instalments. Should you wish to have any top up sessions, these can be booked on an ad hoc basis at £70 per hour.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy combines CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Clinical Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness. All techniques used are based on the most up to date scientific research and evidence.

CBT and Hypnotherapy are incredibly effective psychotherapeutic interventions in their own right, but when used in conjunction with each other, research has shown that the outcome is even more effective, more rapid and with longer lasting results.

There are many preconceptions about Hypnotherapy which stem from elaborate stage hypnosis shows. Clinical Hypnotherapy simply enables you to utilise the power of your imagination to change the story you tell yourself. I actually like to call it imagination therapy.

Are you ready to change your narrative?